In today's sneaker market, where counterfeit products are increasingly prevalent, it is imperative to understand the significance of purchasing from a reputable seller. That's why we take every step necessary to ensure that the sneakers we sell are 100% authentic

We deal with hundreds of shoes monthly. Meaning we have a keen eye for spotting counterfeits. Along with the assist of artificial intelligence(AI). The AI system we utilize has a database of millions of sneakers, it looks for patterns and unique features which helps it identify counterfeits.

With our years of experience and the integration of AI we stay up-to-date with the latest trends and counterfeit techniques to ensure the authenticity of each pair we sell. Every single pair goes through a heavy authentication check, if fake shoes are sent to us, you must pay 25% of the shoe and cover the shipping label in order to get them back. This is mainly to prevent people shipping fake shoes to us. And give our customers a piece of mind.

If an item was purchased and we did not state a flaw or missing pieces. We will resolve it with a partial or full refund